Tuesday 3 November 2015

JAMAICA; Portia: It's the PNP that has laid the firm foundation for prosperity

People’s National Party supporters greet Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller as she arrives in Annotto Bay, St Mary, for Sunday’s mass rally. (PHOTO: KARL MCLARTY)
PRIME Minister Portia Simpson Miller, leader of the ruling People's National Party (PNP), told supporters in St Mary Sunday night that she is confident of victory when her party goes to the poll in the impending general elections.

"Don't try match Portia," she said to thunderous applause and uproar from the thousands of Comrades gathered at the party's mass meeting in Annotto Bay, St Mary. "I want to send a message to him (Opposition Leader Andrew Holness) on his platform in May Pen from our platform in St Mary and I say when I call it, we will win it ! It will be a political thrashing!"
Simpson Miller, at the same time, chided the Opposition leader for using the slogan 'from poverty to prosperity' stating that they have nothing to show for it.
"It is the PNP that has laid the firm foundation for prosperity. It is the PNP that is growing investments in Jamaica," she said. "Investments for nine new hotels in Jamaica over 10 years to create 8000 direct jobs. Investments of US$9 billion to build new villas. We are expecting tourists at the Blue and John Crow Mountain National Park. We have the North-South Highway, which is a beautiful development for Jamaica. We have already opened one section and look forward to opening the other, that is prosperity. Let them show you the highway they have created, and the hotel investments. They have nothing to show for their time in office."
The party leader said she has met with workers in region three who are also confident that when they go to the polls the PNP will be victorious.
"Tonight I come to region two to find out if you are ready. Are you ready? Are you ready?" Simpson Miller said as the supporters shouted, blew their vuvuzuela's, whistles and stood with fists raised in the air.
Simpson Miller maintained that along the length and breadth of Jamaica people have told her they trust the People's National Party, its performance, and that it was doing it's best on behalf of the people.
Additionally, she said there are many achievements her party can be proud of.
"The people in St Mary can be proud of the North Coast Highway. Several of the new bridges we have built are in St Mary, Portland and St Thomas," she said.
She added that the refurbishing of hospitals, upgrading of infrastructure in major towns and institutions, job creation, handing over of land titles, and tourism investments in each parish were also things to be proud of.
"To those who say we have done nothing I want them to match what they say they've done, compared to the PNP," she said.
"When we give people titles for homes and they say 'my mother and grandmother never had a title' I say thank God we gave people their land. They no longer pay rent, thanks to the housing programme of the PNP," Simpson Miller said.
Meanwhile, she said although "everything is not perfect", people should stick with the PNP as they are building a better Jamaica.
"We're on a mission and a vision, and there's hope of a better tomorrow with the PNP. The PNP is the original and best party to lead this country into the future of growth and prosperity," she said.

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