Thursday 29 October 2015

Glo named among Africa’s top 2 most admired brands

 Globacom has been named one of Africa’s top two most  admired brands for the second year running, in the annual Brand Africa 100 rankings announced in Johannesburg, South Africa recently.
 Globacom is the youngest brand in the Top 10 list, as other companies in the Top 10 including Dangote Group (Nigeria),   MTN (South Africa),  Tusker (Kenya), Mukwano (Uganda), Simu TV (Tanzania), Zenith Bank (Nigeria), Peak Milk (Nigeria), Sasco (South Africa), and Star Beer (Nigeria), were all established before the arrival of Glo, August 29, 2003.
The Award made a good outing for Nigerian companies as 11 of them made the list. South African and Kenyan brands were joint second with four places each on the list.  The rankings also showed that indigenous African brands are on the rise as they constitute nearly 25% of the the Brand Africa 100.
The Founder and Chairman  of Brand Africa and Chairman of Brand Finance Africa, Thebe Ikalafeng, said  the rankings were increasingly significant.   “They are an important metrics of the progress Africa is making in creating brands and services that respond to African conditions, needs and ambitions.”
He added that “the time has never been more opportune or urgent for Africa to develop ‘Made in Africa’ brands. The success of businesses behind these brands will enable Africa to drive its own agenda because they create jobs, contribute tax revenue necessary to fund public goods and help shape the image of Africa as an entrepreneurial and competitive continent.”
It is believed that Globacom’s commitment to innovation and affordable services since 2003 when it started business has set it apart from competition in its various markets. One of its major accomplishments is its international submarine cable,   Glo 1, which has provided the much needed Internet bandwidth in West African.
Globacom recently launched what is regarded as the most innovative offering since it pioneered per second billing in 2003. Called Free  Tomorrow, the promo gives back to the subscriber the next day the total value of credit spent on calls, texts and data the previous day.   The company has over 35 million subscribers across the three markets where it operates.

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